Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yearbooks Are Here!

Hello, friends!  Grab your excitement hats, because the MLC yearbooks are here!

The yearbooks have finally come in, and are ready for sale!  They are $20, and can be bought outside of the Main Office before and after school.  You can buy a yearbook any day, as supplies last.  We already sold 17 on Tuesday, the very first day they were available, so get your yearbook ASAP.

I already have mine (I got the 9th sold) and it's SNAZZY!  They're super fun, and colorful, and are also hard-cover.

I repeat:  HARD-COVER.  This is awesome!

So, bring your wallet when you come to pick up your kids, or send them with money or a check.  Make checks payable to Metropolitan Learning Center.

Here is what the front and back covers look like.  The front was done by Tom E., and the back by Audrey L. Aren't they amazing? Here's the inside cover, designed by Ashley B.:

Get your yearbook before they're all gone!


Anonymous said...

Can we also purchase excitement hats by the main office?

Orianna O'Neill said...

We recommend making your own. All it takes is a gallon of glitter, seven smiles, and some cotton candy!